Whiskey Sour with a Twist

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Whiskey Sour with a Twist

Cookbook Spotlight:

This whiskey sour with a twist holds true to its flavor profile, with added sweetness and smokiness.
Constantly searches for inspiration for drinks! The idea for one of our signature recipes, Rise and Shine, came from former CNGC Director of Golf, Patrick Shine, PGA.

We were having our monthly event called “Nine and Dine With Shine, and I wanted to create a signature drink. After I picked the name, my brain went straight to bacon and eggs—figuring out how to accomplish that in a glass.

The result was a whiskey sour with a twist.

The drink holds to that classic whiskey sour flavor profile, plus a sweet-and-smoky element. The mouthfeel is rounder, thanks to the fat-washing, which complements the tactile quality of the egg white. And it has an aesthetic appeal.

Whiskey sours are classic and delicious and are still served frequently in craft cocktail bars. But I’ve found they’ve gotten a little lost in club bartending. I wanted to create a fun new way to bring them back into the spotlight.

Rise and Shine
Click here to view the recipes.


Originally published in Club and Resort Chef


Posted: 7/15/2023 2:24:23 PM by Patrice Hewski | with 0 comments