As we move into the off season, the geese start moving onto the course. This year we are trying floating solar powered lights in the ponds on 12 and 13. These lights flash throughout the night and are supposed to disrupt the geese sleep paterns causing them to find another home. In the pics below you can see Sean placing the lights in the ponds.

The lights probably arent a end all solution but will hopefully help in the grounds crews never ending battle with the geese.
Besides the lights, the grounds crew chases the geese off property daily. We use noise makers- bird bangers which sound like a loud exposion and bird screamers - a siren like fire cracker to scare the geese away. This year we started spraying Flight Control - a natural goose repellent that gives the geese a belly ache. We've used in the rough around #5,6,7,& 12 greens and anywhere else the geese are found.
In the past, we have tried many different methods including the coyote decoys. One of my jobs when I was the assistant superindent was to move the Coyotes every couple of days. Most days the geese would be sitting next to the coyotes laughing at me moving them around.
There are so many good habitats throughout Horsham for the geese that despite our best efforts we will most likely never completely get rid of our feathered friends.