Driving Range Repair

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Welcome to the CNGC Grounds Blog

Our Green Superintendent, Ian Thomas will post to this blog projects and updates
regarding the golf course and grounds of the Club.

Driving Range Repair

After a busy and dry summer. the driving range fairway received some much needed TLC.  The fairway was heavily beat up from the ball picker and mowing.  We stripped, filled holes, repaired drainage and sodded.  Turf type tall fescue was chosen in the hopes of holding up better throughout the season.




Posted: 7/12/2023 4:48:35 PM by Ian Thomas | with 0 comments

Trackback URL: https://commonwealthgolfclub.com/trackback/2fa7e172-e22d-487d-9a95-bf57ce0c6698/Driving_Range_Repair.aspx?culture=en-US